kedd, augusztus 14

Art and Society: Ancient and Modern Contexts of Egyptian Art

Megjelent a 2010 májusában a Szépművészeti Múzeumban rendezett konferencia tanulmánykötete.

Katalin Anna Kóthay (ed.): Art and Society: Ancient and Modern Contexts of Egyptian Art. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 13–15 May 2010, Budapest 2012

A könyvről ismertető is olvasható a Magyar Múzeumok honlapján.

szombat, április 21

New policy approved by the Permanent Committee

Just for your information:

The Permanent Committee has just decided to disapprove all applications for new excavations to be carried out in Middle and Upper Egypt (between Giza and Aswan) submitted by foreign archaeological missions. The decision is intended to encourage foreign missions to launch new archaeological projects in the Delta and the desert areas. As in the past, Egyptian missions will be allowed to start excavations at any site in Egypt with no restricitons.

Read more in Arabic here.